Chew On This!

4.2 ( 3392 ratings )
نمط الحياة اللياقة الصحية &
المطور: WrightPlay

Inspirational Quotes to inspire you throughout the day. Use this as a picture frame to stand on your desk! Add your own quotes that you find throughout your journey through life and have them play back to you to re-inspire you every time you look at it. This app comes with default quotes, but you can quickly edit those quotes locally, and even add new ones. Have fun!

Version 2.5.3
Fixed a problem with linking to the Apple Watch!

Version 2.5.2
We made some minor bug fixes to the adding new quote functionality as users reported crashes with the new iCloud functionality.

Version 2.5.1
We updated our App Logo as well as started inputting some iCloud functionality. This is still a work in progress, but were getting there slowly! Thanks for rolling with the punches!

Version 2.4
With the advent of the new Apple Watch, weve added an extension that will allow you to view your quotes from your watch and glance at them whenever you need a spout of inspiration. We also fixed some bugs in the range of quotes displayed and other miscellaneous functions.

Version 2.3
We are hard at work trying to make this app as great as possible! Weve just added a Settings icon so that a user can now change the speed of rotation and how quickly the background images rotate as well as whether the screen can dim or not. Weve also added a box that will allow users to add any text or hashtag they wish to their quote when they share to Facebook or Twitter! Happy Quoting!